Tuesday 30 January 2007

Welcome One and All!


This is my new blog. Nice, isn't it?

I should really start with a bit of a confession. Although I have called this The Daily Dave, it's fairly safe to say that I won't be posting every single day. There are several reasons for this.

1) I have a baby daughter, Lucy, who is nearly one year old. Clearly, she takes up most of my time that isn't spent at work. But she's lovely, so that's OK.

2) I am a busy radio producer and presenter who lives a full and active life.

and the one that's, perhaps, the most important...

3) I'm only on ultra-slow, dial-up internet at home, and so need to do this during lunch at work and don't always have the time. At least not without being told off.

But, somehow, The Daily Dave rolls off the tongue a bit better. So there it is. Not quite accurate, but never mind.

So, who am I? Well, if you don't know me, I'm a 27-year old radio presenter and producer, living just outside London, and working for Premier Radio (link to the left). I have a wife, a baby (both of whom I love very much), and a mortgage (which I love considerably less). And that's sort of it, really.

My aim here to provide you with a regular insight into my day to day life. It's not very interesting, really, so wouldn't blame you if you never came back. But I hope to offer some wry observations of life, and generally hope to be passably diverting.

If you're very lucky, later in the week I'll tell you about a bizarre shopping trip I had this week looking for Moon Biscuits.

Seriously. They exist.

Come back soon, you lucky people.


Anonymous said...

Thought i'd be the first to comment on your site, Dave.

Welcome to the kingdom of Blogging.

Hope you enjoy it... looking forward to moon biscuits.

God bless

GBug said...

Welcome. Fool!

Thanks for the props.