Mondays are my day off, and as if to celebrate, I often go and do the weekly shopping. I'm referring, of course, to the more boring supermarket shopping rather than shopping for "leisure". Not that that's much fun either.
Two days ago was no different, and for reasons far too dull to inflict upon you here, I had a shopping list full of slightly obscure items that, for all I know, are unavailable pretty much everywhere except strange places down dark alleys. So, I was looking forward to spending several hours combing the aisles of Sainsburys (other supermarkets are available) looking for some of the most bizarre products you can buy without venturing into disreputable areas.
Before I left I was putting together a list of the things I needed, when Gillian (my lovely and long suffering wife) said the following. I kid you not.
"Oh, don't forget to pick up moon biscuits if you can".
I'm sorry? Did she say moon biscuits?
"Pick up some what?"
"Moon Biscuits"

Anyway, turns out such things do exist. They are naturally sweetened biscuits for babies and toddlers. Witness right.
You'll be pleased to know that I found them quite easily in the end. Which was slightly disappointing, as I was hoping to enjoy confounding an orange-fleeced Sainsburys official, who would inevitably resort to calling their manager to enquire after the lunar-based baby snacks.
Oh well. Never mind.
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