Friday 11 May 2007

Dump Day

You may or may not be aware of the fact that I have worked Saturdays for about four and a half years. This has meant that I have had to take leave anytime I wanted to do any of the following.

(a) Go to a wedding.
(b) Have a day with my wife
(c) More recently, have a day with my wife and child.
(d) Watch Saturday Kitchen

Annoying, I'm sure you'll agree.

The good news is that my last Saturday working was last week, which means that today, Friday, is genuinely a last day of the week. I'm actually getting the Friday feeling I haven't had since people last said "What war in Iraq?" Lately, my Friday feeling has been on Saturday. And that's just silly.

Of course, the plus point has been not having the Monday feeling most people get. I get a Tuesday feeling instead. See how complicated my life has been? Finally, I shall be able to join the ranks of normal people who work normal days.

It also means that, with Saturdays free I can have days out with my family, enjoy their company, and get some quality time with my wife and daughter. When facing the prospect of such a free day, and all the possibilities before us, obviously we thought long and hard - what shall we do with our first Saturday together? All this has lead to our decision to spend tomorrow.....taking things to the dump.

I should point out that the decision is my fault as much as anyone elses. In fact, it's entirely my fault because Gillian asked me to make the final decision. The fact it we desperately need to take forty-eight tons of assorted nonsense to the dump. When we moved in our house a year ago, the previous occupants left what can only be described as an EU rubbish mountain in our garden, shed, and loft.

Our parents are helping us, it needs to be done, and we're going to get it over with, so we can enjoy the hundreds of future Saturdays spread out before us. So I really have no right to complain.

Have a good weekend. However you're spending it...

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