Monday 14 May 2007

Tell Me Why I Don't Like Mondays...

...I wanna shoo-oo-oo-oooo-oooo-ooooooot the whole day down.

You know, Bob Geldof was right. Well, apart from the shooting. And the obvious lack of personal hygiene.

Yes, as faithful readers will be aware, today is my first Monday at work in about four and a half years. Right now, I should be snoring on my sofa, as my daughter plays with small toys around my feet. But no. I'm here. I'm back to a normal life.

I must say that I'm not terribly keen on this working-on-Mondays lark. I definitely had the Monday blues this morning, and last night I experienced something that I'd forgotten about. Something that I think everyone who works weekdays goes through. It's that feeling you get on a late Sunday afternoon; the realisation that the weekend is all but gone, and all that awaits you is five long days of hard toil. I used to call it the "Antiques Roadshow" feeling.

Despite the fact that the first day of my new weekend-free life was spent up to my armpits in 33rpm records and about thirty-seven sets of dining chairs (who put sets of dining chairs in their loft?!?), it was actually a really good day. We got a lot done, the whole family was together, and then I enjoyed the screamingly-embarrassing Eurovision Song Contest. Serbia won, but you'd be forgiven for thinking it was the Former Yugoslav Republic of Dullsville based on the winning tune. Mind you, at least it had a tune. The Ukrainians were gay spacemen, and the French had a dead cat on their shoulder, so I suppose I should be grateful for small mercies.

Oh, and on Saturday I also discovered that I had a freezer, an oven, a washing machine and a tumble dryer in my shed. It tells you something about the previous state of my shed that I could have four large kitchen appliances in there and not know about it. Now we're going to have to get a skip. That'll please the neighbours.

So, that was my first Saturday off, and today has been my first Monday working. It wasn't a bad day at work. It was just a day at work.

Speaking of which, I'd better do some. Although really, in my heart, I know it's time for Ready, Steady, Cook...

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