Wednesday 7 March 2007

A Confession

Alright, I admit it. I was wrong.

A while ago, I mentioned on this fine blog, my love for top television show, Dragon's Den. I happened to say that, while I found it to be an extremely entertaining piece of TV, I was unconvinced of it's credentials in the area of launching new products into the market.

Well, how wrong I was.

Forwarded onto me just moments ago was this link referring to the excellent Levi Roots (who, in one of the funniest events in the show's history, we discovered was really called Keith). It appears his product is taking to the shelves. I may just buy some.

So there we go. A confession. Although, I still maintain that one product on the shelves in the whole history of the programme is a pretty poor show. I'm still waiting for an umbrella vending machine at my local tube station.

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