Wednesday 21 March 2007

Phones & Credit Cards

There's very little as exciting as waiting for a new mobile phone to arrive.

It arrived at about 10.15 this morning, but it may as well have been the evening, such was the length of my anticipation. Then, of course, when it does arrive you have the agony of waiting while it charges before you can enjoy it in all it's glory. Eventually, the moment comes when you get to switch it on for the first time. Can I tell you that, so far, I'm not disappointed.

The most exciting thing about my new phone is really a very simple, low-end thing. The fact that it has (wait for it) - an FM radio! Wow! I've never had an FM radio on a mobile phone before. Even my iPod doesn't have an FM Radio! Much fun was had setting the presets, and no doubt much fun will continue to be had on my walks to the station from now on. Listening to my FM radio, of course. FM radio! Just said it that last time for the hell of it, really.

So that was one thing that brightened my day today. The other was a hilarious story which you can see here about an American guy who goes to extreme lengths to see if anyone will check his signature when he pays by credit card. Clearly Chip & Pin hasn't reached across the atlantic yet (or hadn't when it was written), and frankly, I'm pleased about that, otherwise his adventures wouldn't be there for us to read about. Oh, and make sure you click on the link to read the second one when you get to the end. It's equally great.

That's about it today.

FM Radio!

Sorry. I'll stop now.

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