Friday 2 February 2007

A Difference of Opinion

Those of you who are married (or in any sort of involved relationship with anyone at all) will be well aware that, every so often, within that relationship, disputes occur. You will probably also know that these disagreements are normally about ridiculous things that make very little difference. Toothpaste tubes, toilet seats - you know the drill. I should say that those things rarely cause havoc in my house. Mind you, our toilet seat isn't actually attached to our toilet. Don't ask.

I am fortunate enough to be married to someone who is fairly willing to put up with my, occasionally, bizarre ways. She rarely moans at me. She is, indeed, lovely and patient. But there is one thing I like to do (nightly, if possible) that drives her completely up the wall in a way that is almost impossible to convey in print. It occurs weeknight at 8.30pm. On More4. I am referring to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Aired nightly on the Comedy Central network in the States, it is one of the funniest, most intelligent pieces of satire around. We get it here in the UK a day later.

I love it. Gillian hates it. "He shouts" apparently.

Well, yes, he does - I can't deny it. But it's what he shouts that is so genius.

If you're keen to see what I'm talking about, click here. Unless you're my wife. Or a fan of the American government.

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