Friday 16 February 2007

Why The Tube Sucks

The Tube Sucks.

It's as simple as that. The London Underground is a nightmare.

Twice this week it has taken me an extremely long time to get home. Both times because a train was taken out of service. And what do I pay for this service? Six pounds a day. To go about ten miles. Rubbish.

I know that it was starved of investment for decades. That they're trying to catch up. That it will get better. That's all fine. But here's the problem. Next week they're extending the congestion charging zone in London, so more people will be forced onto the tube system to avoid paying the ludicrous eight pounds per day.

Why not get the public transport system up to scratch, and then charge people for driving.


Happy Friday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A bit peeved are we son!!